GOODBYE 2020 & WELCOME 2021!
From Ralda+Friends we want to say goodbye to this complicated year and wish you all the Best for Next Year with this picture we made yesterday Tuesday 23 of December, Alfredo, Nicolas and Pierre at “La Plana” during the recollection of olives. For a lot of people, it is just another photo in the middle of our olive trees but for us it is very symbolic because it is the first time since August 2019 that the Ralda Family of Barcelona and the Ralda(s) of Geneva meet again in Godall.
In general Alfredo uses to come at Godall a minimum of three times per year, but with the Covid19 Crisis he has not been able to travel neither for Easter nor for the summer to the village. Therefore, yesterday we took the opportunity to help Victor and his squad to end the recollection of olives before enjoying the Christmas with the “Yaya Pili” that had to celebrate her 85th anniversary alone in Godall because of the Coronavirus Outbreak.
If 12 months ago you had asked us how the situation would be in Xmas 2020, nobody would have imagined the Covid19 crisis and its effect to the world economy around the world. However, we have to be positive since the campaign of vaccination will be starting soon at giving fruits. We believe that next year will be the year where we all will exit from this tunnel and therefore, we want to wish you to all our R+F friends a 2021 plenty of health and positiveness. We Will continue battling with renewed energy and creative ideas to continue our project despite of the adversities of this year.
We wish you our best Season Greeting and we hope to meet you in March for the celebration of the traditional encounter of the godfathers at Godall that we had to cancel because of the first lockdown
Happy 2021 – Próspero y saludable 2021 – Joyeux Nouvel-An – Feliç 2021!
Alfredo & Pierre RALDA