Our adopters, friends, and most seasoned readers know that on our estate in La Serra, we have been enjoying a dry-stone cabin for over a hundred years. Dry stone is a modest yet robust construction technique. Very typical of the Terres de l’Ebre, it was used by shepherds and farmers to shelter from the sun and rain, store tools, or rest during their long shifts in the fields. Our little house holds great sentimental value because, for decades, it has housed many of our ancestors. And, particularly, our Uncle Joaquim, brother of our father Alfredo, who passed away last year....

On 21 February, Ralda+Friends was presented to the exclusive international audience at Soho House in Barcelona. This club, founded in the UK, is currently present in 20 countries around the world and offers numerous advantages to its members, in terms of facilities and options for professional work, leisure, culture and networking. In the case of Barcelona, the club has a perfectly conditioned building in the Plaza del Duc de Medinaceli, which brings together everyday hundreds of people with a very interesting profile: professionals from the creative industries, the world of communication, many are entrepreneurs, freelancers or managers of international companies...

In 2014, Alfredo, Pierre, and the entire Ralda family embarked on a wonderful project: ensuring that centuries-old lands would have continuity for future generations. And to achieve this, we bet on technology, collaboration, sponsorship, and the values of environmental sustainability, respect for culture and tradition, slow food, and support for the local economy. Over these years, we have been achieving our goals: the La Plana and La Serra estates have remained sustainable; we have attracted hundreds of adopters and friends; we have introduced our oil, our village of Godall, and the culture of the Terres de lEbre to half the...

The first news of  of 2024 is as fresh as it is positive for Ralda+Friends. Culinary influencer Marga Freudenthal (@margafreudenthal_cocina) will be using our extra virgin olive oils in her recipes this year. Marga is a passionate cook, followed by thousands of people, and co-author of the book “Recetas que salen”. Between 2010 and 2020 she ran the well-remembered MiT Espai de Cuina de Barcelona in the Gràcia neighbourhood of Barcelona, together with her partner Titina Duarte. Both were the founders. Marga’s Instagram channel currently has more than 23,400 followers and is full of delicious recipes and preparation tutorials, conducted...

We are delighted to invite you all to a series of events that will take place on November 10th and 11th in Godall. During that weekend, we will celebrate the beginning of the new season’s olive oil production that we expect better than last year. The “Tast dOli Nou” will kick off on Friday, November 10th with a Japanese cooking workshop using Godalls olive oil, followed by an Asian-style dinner and a lively swing orchestra for dancing. The events will begin at 8:30 PM. On Saturday, November 11th, starting at 9h30 AM, our friends and adopters will have access to...