Yaya Pili, may you rest in peace.
This is one of those posts that we never wanted to have to write.
Our beloved Pilar Curto, our mother, yaya, friend… has left this world.
She went away like great people do: saying goodbye to everyone. Speaking to all of us. Loving us all until the end
She also left unexpectedly, in the early hours of April 25th.
In the first few days after the loss, our entire family felt a great void. And sadness.
Today, we still feel that void. But the sadness gradually turns into gratitude. And a desire to pay tribute to her every day, with everything we do.
To a large extent, Yaya Pili was the pillar of this project. As she was of our family.
We had the privilege of having the best mom, grandmother, mother-in-law, and friend in the world.
On Wednesday, April 26th, the family and many friends gathered at the church of Sant Salvador de Godall to bid her farewell before her burial.
Lorena, Alfredo and Pierre, on behalf of the family, spoke our most beautiful words. Our deepest feelings. Those that are often so hard to say.
They fell short in recalling what Pili meant to us.
Before she died, she had already decided on the song she would like to share with all of us on the day of her funeral:
“Gracias a la Vida” – a poem by the Chilean Violeta Parra sung by the Argentinian artist Mercedes Sosa.
This was her favourite verse because it reminded her of our father who had blue eyes:
“Gracias a la vida que me ha dado tanto
Me dio el corazón que agita su marco
Cuando miro el fruto del cerebro humano,
Cuando miro el bueno tan lejos del malo,
Cuando miro el fondo de tus ojos claros.”
We have always been a family that believed in a project. And a project that believed in the family. We want to share this loss with all our friends and adopters because we also consider them family.
The pillar that our mother represented is still there and she is Inspiring us and will inspire us in the future as well.
If you want to enjoy the latest video with her, you can visit the “Vegetarian paella recipe, with my grandma “the yaya” Pili“.
Alfredo & Pierre RALDA