We would like to share an interesting news about three events that will happen in a few days. They are very landmarks in the schedule of those who, like us, love everything related to the culture of olive trees and oil. First of all, we would like to highlight that on November 29, the 9th Millennial Olive Tree Congress will be held in Ulldecona (Tarragona). The program will include valuable conferences and workshops on oil-tourism, the conservation of ancient olive trees, the European cultural routes and the management of agrocultural heritage. Experts from all over Spain and, especially, from the...

We are happy to announce that we have launched officially our new website https://raldafriends.ch/, that is specifically aimed for our friends and adopters based in Switzerland. As we always say, Ralda+Friends is a family project whose roots, heart and olive trees are located in Godall (Tarragona, Spain). However, the idea was originated in Geneva, where we have the 50% of the team, the two Ralda brothers. We also have many great friends and adopters in Switzerland who like to enjoy the sun, health and the wise gastronomy of our Tierras del Ebro. However, as Switzerland is not part of the...

Besides the problems with olive-trees plundering we have previously reported with Salvem lo Montsia Association, a new and great concern has appeared in our industry. It is the sum of four conjunctural factors that have come into play and put the job of thousands of Spanish producers at risk. This crisis can end up aggravating the plundering and the loss of economic, natural and cultural heritage. These are the increasing competition, the fall in the consumption of oil, the moderation of the prices in the market and the fall of the income of the producers. Last July, some 20,000 Andalusian...

Le pillage des oliviers millénaires du Montsià sintensifie Comme nous vous l’avons dit à plusieurs reprises, l’un des problèmes les plus douloureux que nous connaissons actuellement dans les Terres de l’Ebre est celui du pillage des oliviers monumentaux. En effet de plus en plus d’oliviers centenaires et millénaires de grande valeur sont achetés puis déracinés, en suite transportés dans dautres régions dEspagne ou de lUnion Européenne où ils sont supposés devenir la décoration des jardins et des propriétés privées ou dentreprises ou institutions. La plateforme Salvem el Montsià” dénonce depuis des années une situation qui représente une perte irréparable pour...

As we have already told you, one of the most painful problems nowadays in the Tierras del Ebro region is what we call the plundering of olive trees. It happens when our centennial and millennial olive trees are indiscriminately uprooted and sold to agents around the world so they can use them to better decorate the gardens and properties of rich people or powerful institutions. For years, the “Salvem el Montsià” platform has been denouncing a situation that is considered an irreparable loss for our landscape, our environment and our economic and cultural heritage. Until now, this wealth can be...