Catalonia’s most important economic e-newspaper reports Ralda+Friends’ history
This month of August, while many of our friends have been enjoying holidays, the Catalan business and finance e-newspaper ViaEmpresa (www.viaempresa.cat) has published a wonderful story on our project, its origins, the way it works and our objective of approaching the Mediterranean spirit to people anywhere throughout Godalls’s olive oil. You can read the full story (in Catalan) here: http://www.viaempresa.cat/ca/notices/2016/05/apadrina-una-olivera-amb-ralda-friends-19449.php Journalist Aiats Agustí (https://twitter.com/aiatsagusti) has succeeded in explaining from the very beginning the process in which the Ralda Brothers inherited some 600 olive trees after our dad passed away and how we are working to make our plantation sustainable through crowdfunding...