It is with great pleasure that we can announce our first physical sales point in Barcelona. It is La Granada, 34 at the number 34 of La Granada del Penedès Street, among the crowded streets of Balmes and Tusset, in the upper-class Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district.
Almost side by side of the legendary “Flash Flash” restaurant (specialized in any kind of omelettes) our friends Jordi Soler and Montse Ranchal (whose their daughter is studying with Aitana Ralda since the kindergarten) have opened a new and spectacular delicatessen shop offering from the best Habana cigars in Barcelona to caviar and wonderful references in winery. From now on, you will also find our virgin extra olive oil as well as our DOP and Morruda oils in their lightning display windows.
With this new sales point in Barcelona, we are widening our network of distribution for our olive oils, which already counts with a first one in Godall. Specifically, in Taleca i Rebost, from our friends Rosa and Miquel who are doing quite a good job.
In the picture, our friend Jordi, (an historical Barça Fan) and Pedro (“Pierre”) Ralda visiting the shop and a sample of the window display. You can contact La Granada 34 by phone (+34) 93 415 37 26 or by e-mail at estanclagranada34@gmail.com
Google Map: https://goo.gl/maps/2YrqSdKervL2