Ralda+Friends Loves Europe
Even if the Brits have voted for the Brexit, in Ralda+Friends we have decided to do the opposite because we love Europe J. We are continuously looking for new ways to share the taste and culture of the Mediterranean with our friends from all around Europe. In that sense, we are pleased to announce that we have extended the outreach of our operations to new countries. Thanks to agreements with Spanish Correos and Mondial Relay, any citizen from the following new countries will be able to adopt our olive trees and buy our products directly from our web page:
We are now selling and distributing our bottles to these new countries in addition to Germany, Spain and France (where we were already present) and Switzerland, where we have our official distributor (Schwarz Kitchen Selection SA).
To facilitate our European integration, we had to harmonize our price policy and from July 2016 we have implemented three categories; adopting an olive tree will cost you:
- 100 Euros, for Andorra and Spain
- 135 Euros, for Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal and United Kingdom
- 130 Swiss Francs for Switzerland
Obviously, all these prices including VAT and shipping costs.
Thanks to our “plenipotentiary ambassador” in England, Philippe Carré, we have two new families adopting our olive trees in London and in Brussels. And we hope to add new adopters from the land of the Brexit and the Capital of Europe, as olive oil is an excellent balsam for broken hearts. Just try a toast with some olive oil as when listening to Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony and you’ll understand what we mean…