We are very pleased to share with you that we have been accepted as finalists to one of the most important Prizes in Food Innovation in Catalonia. Last 5 October we went to Barcelona to present our project to a jury composed by  senior officials from the Department of Agriculture of the Catalan Government. At the beginning of 2017, in the last Oil and Asparagus Fair in Godall, we were visited by representatives of the Government. They encouraged us to bid to the annual edition of the PITA Prizes (PITA meaning: Prizes in Innovation and Food Technology). The prizes are...

In our last post we reported our Summer visit to the Farga del Arión, where some of the oldest olive trees in the world are living and producing oil.  Related to this, today we want to introduce a very interesting initiative that Ralda & Friends is publicly supporting. It is called the Olivos Milenarios project (Millennial Olive Trees) (www.aceiteolivosmilenarios.com), gathering all the oils made from olive trees aged 1.000 years or more within the Sénia Territory. In Spain, where the regions of Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon meet, you can find the Sénia Territory. There, between the Sénia River and the...

Summer holidays are here and Ralda&Friends want to suggest original activities in our region that may nourish both your health and mind. Our suggestion of today is about oleo-tourism and, particularly, about a very interesting asset located in the village of Ulldecona, in Tarragona province, very close to our home in Godall. There, in Ulldecona, you will find a unique natural patrimony: around 40 millenary olive-tree (not to confound with the millennial people), some of them aged more than 1.700 years, that are still in production of olive-oil. You can meet these wonderful trees and the lands surrounding by following...

On May 30, we had the pleasure to meet our friends and adopters in Geneva for the traditional Olive Oil Tasting, where we all had the opportunity of tasting the new seasonal oil, together with a good pan con tomate, the Spanish tortilla de patatas and some additional and unexpected delicatessen. The encounter took place at Schwarz Kitchens offices (our Swiss distributor). This year we had some special guests, such as our Yaya Pili, Pierre Ralda and our friends Emilienne Hutin (who brought her extraordinary wines from Dardagny ) and Yoann Cassam Chenai (who brought exotic world-wide peppers from Madagascar...

It is well known that the Summer is the season when media publish interesting but ess mediatic news. That is the case of todays article. We found several week ago something we wanted to share and we have kept it until today. On March 12, the Spanish newspaper El Pais released an outstanding article from the French linguist and etymologist Louis-Jean Calvet entitled ¿Necesitamos aprender quechua, si ya hablamos español? (Do we need to learn Quechua, if we speak Spanish?). Calvets text is a praise of the multilingualism and a call to action to public administrations in order to defend...