While Alfredo was spending Xmas time in Godall, taking care of our olive trees and attending the demands of our friends and customers at the online shop, his brother Pierre was in a trip to Argentina. Together with his family, Pierre spent New Years at the Cordoba Province (not to confound with the Andalusian Cordoba), surrounded by olive trees plantations of his brother in law, Martin, at the Traslasierra Valley. Argentina, better known for its production of beef and its large fields of wheat and soya at the Pampa, is also an emerging player in the olive oil sector. With...

Although in Ralda+Friends we like to tell you happy stories, this time we need to share one which makes us very unhappy. It is about the first Spanish case of Xylella Fastidiosa in Manacor (Majorca, Balearic Islands), a harmful bacterium for a many kind of trees, especially olive trees. Spanish and international media have reported the discovery of a sub-species of the bacteria in a sample of cherry trees during the first days of November. The trees were in a local garden centre and soon the finding triggered the alerts on public officials as well as on farmers. Only three...

On December 9, Pierre Ralda was interviewed in the Catalan Radio RAC1. He was invited by Elisenda Camps, director and anchor of the Tot es possible daily show (All is possible) (http://www.rac1.cat/programes/tot-es-possible) of the Number1 private radio in Catalan, in order to explain the Ralda+Friends history to her audience. The interview was quite long around 15 minutes and it gave to Pierre the opportunity to recall the origins of the project, all the people involved, the olive tree adoption process and, of course, to talk about the new Christmas Pack Tierras del Ebro (http://www.raldafriends.com/rf/en/new-special-xmas-pack/), recently launched. Those who are interested...

Xmas Season is approaching: for many, this is a special time for Celebrations, Family Gatherings and original presents. Ralda+Friends wants to help you all to demonstrate your love and friendships to your relatives and friends. Thus, we have developed a new product, special and limited for Xmas time. It is our new pack Tierras del Ebro, containing a selection of delicatessen products that clearly show the identity of our Mediterranean culture in this area of the Ebro River Delta: olive oil from Ralda+Friends, olive patés from our friend Blai Peris and the tasty rice bomba from Lo Nostre Arros. Together,...

                Last September, back from holidays, we got some very nice and unexpected surprises. First, because we discovered that the adoption of olive trees may be a wonderful gift for weddings. That is the case of two new recently married couples: Patricia and Oriol, who got married in Barcelona, and Marta and Lyndon, who did so in Singapore. Congrats to the four of them and happy you can celebrate with a good Godall olive oil. By the way, the olive tree is a symbol of long and wise life, and this is exactly what we...