Ralda + Friends is pleased to announce our 2015 Christmas Campaign in order to get closer to you and all of your friends and relatives. Besides the campaign comes with a gift. The idea is easy: if you talk to a friend about R+F and you convince him/her to adopt one of our trees, we will award you an exclusive and special Catalan Culinary Mortar from Joan Cortiella, Masters in Pottery. Of course, if you prefer to offer an Olive Tree on adoption to one of your friends, you will also receive the present. Our Mediterranean mortars are traditional cooking tools. You...

The blog Storytelling&Co. (www.storytellingdigital.com), one of the specialists in Spanish on corporate and business storytelling has highlighted the important role of the Pili Yaya as the protagonist of the corporate story of Ralda+Friends. In this recent article “La Yaya Pili, a story which works” , (http://storytellingdigital.com/2015/10/06/la-yaya-pili-una-narrativa-que-funciona/), it explains how the Yaya symbolizes the witness of a century-old tradition that is moved from parents to children as well as the use of a product of the highest quality that brings health to those who consume it. According to this article, “thanks to the daily actions of real people such as Pili, Aitana and the...

The South of Catalonia is a land rich in old trees; some of them are centenary and others even millenary ones! In our properties, for example, we have 4 millenary olive trees certified by the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia. A marvel of the nature that has been offering us every year their precious fruits … for more than thousand years!!! Very close to our Ralda + Friends domains there is the oldest olive tree from Spain, as mentioned few days ago the La Vanguardia newspaper (see the full article on http://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20150618/54432379556/el-olivo-mas-viejo-de-espana-tiene-1-701-anos-y-esta-en-ulldecona-tarragona.html). According to a new research by the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM), the oldest olive...

We are pleased to announce that for the first time in Godall a new Single Variety Oil, the  Morruda Olive Oil DOP (DOP means Protected Denomination of Origin) was exclusively bottled  for RALDA FRIENDS from Morruda olives trees, typical trees of the Baix Ebre Montsià area which you do not find anywhere else in Spain. This Single Variety Olive Oil, is bitter and powerful at a time, and has a slight astringency that allows it to perfectly accompany your salads, artichokes and grilled meats. Let us tell you a little bit more about our harvest 2014-2015. We benefited from a first...

As the “Beaujolais Nouveau”, we are pleased to inform our English speaking friends that we have launched today our website in English coinciding with the arrival of our new Olive Oil 2014/2015: http://www.raldafriends.com/rf/en/ It took longer than expected as we have decided to rethink our website to improve it and make it more accessible for tablets and smartphones and doing this enabling a more intuitive navigation between our blog, Facebook, Twitter and the web page. Thank you to all our friends and adopters (especially Jasmeet and Sunita) who have given us their comments and feedback on our web page and Sarah Everitt for...