RALDA+FRIENDS is featured in one of the top Catalan Radio Show
On December 9, Pierre Ralda was interviewed in the Catalan Radio RAC1. He was invited by Elisenda Camps, director and anchor of the “Tot es possible” daily show (“All is possible”) (http://www.rac1.cat/programes/tot-es-possible) of the Number1 private radio in Catalan, in order to explain the Ralda+Friends history to her audience.
The interview was quite long around 15 minutes and it gave to Pierre the opportunity to recall the origins of the project, all the people involved, the olive tree adoption process and, of course, to talk about the new Christmas Pack “Tierras del Ebro” (http://www.raldafriends.com/rf/en/new-special-xmas-pack/), recently launched.
Those who are interested in listening Pierre speaking in Catalan and facing thousands of listeners can download the complete interview in this link: http://bit.ly/2hluqKT
For R+F it has been a great honour and a pleasure to be invited by Elisenda and have the opportunity to explain our history to her people. Somehow, we have demonstrated that, with the help of our good friends and adopters, as well as dedicated collaborators, everything is possible. (the name of this radio programme is “Tot es possible” which means “everything is possible”…)
The magazine is presented every working day, from Monday to Friday from 3.00 pm to 4.00 pm and is aimed to present original initiatives to solve doubts and questions from the audience. It is one of the leading programs in Catalonia in the afternoon radio shows. Elisenda Camps and her team make this success possible every day.
The pic of this article is coming from RAC1 http://www.rac1.cat/programes/tot-es-possible