In our last post we reported our Summer visit to the Farga del Arión, where some of the oldest olive trees in the world are living and producing oil.  Related to this, today we want to introduce a very interesting initiative that Ralda & Friends is publicly supporting. It is called the Olivos Milenarios project (Millennial Olive Trees) (, gathering all the oils made from olive trees aged 1.000 years or more within the Sénia Territory. In Spain, where the regions of Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon meet, you can find the Sénia Territory. There, between the Sénia River and the...

Our Friends and Adopters may already know what is serendipity. Dictionary says it is an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident. An example: in 1928, Dr. Alexander Fleming was working on the Flu vaccine when he noticed that by accident a kind of fungus had eradicated the staphylococcus bacteria from a laboratory tile. Fleming discovered the Penicillin without searching for it however it saved millions of lives around the world. In Ralda+Friends something similar happened this Winter. As a result of our promotional campaign of the Terres del Ebre Pack, many media were interested in our project. We already told...

Ralda+Friends is honoured to announce that the prestigious Swiss Cartoonist Chappatte has recently adopted one of our olive trees at La Plana last August. Patrick Chappatte is world-known and recognised by his many works in European and American press and for his charity works through the Cartooning for Peace Swiss Foundation. Besides, as a Genevas Collège Voltaire alumni, Patrick was an old friend (and neighbour in Sant Jeans district) of Alfredo and Pierre Ralda. He promised us to adopt one of our olive trees in Godall after coming back from his stay in the USA and he accomplished his promise. Therefore: thanks and...