Visit the “Farga del Arion”, the suggestion for this summer by Ralda+Friends

Summer holidays are here and Ralda&Friends want to suggest original activities in our region that may nourish both your health and mind. Our suggestion of today is about oleo-tourism and, particularly, about a very interesting asset located in the village of Ulldecona, in Tarragona province, very close to our home in Godall.

There, in Ulldecona, you will find a unique natural patrimony: around 40 millenary olive-tree (not to confound with the “millennial” people), some of them aged more than 1.700 years, that are still in production of olive-oil. You can meet these wonderful trees and the lands surrounding by following a 1-hour and half walk. The path will lead you to the astonishing “La Farga de l’Arion”, an olive-tree with a perimeter of 8 meters, that was sowed on 314.a.D., in the times of the Roman Emperor Constantine. The tree was officially declared as “monumental” in 1997 by the Catalan government and is considered the oldest one in Spain.

By the end of last Spring, Aitana, Alfredo, Catherine and Pierre Ralda made the trip (less than 5 km) from our home to the Arion’s property. They visited the Arion’s Millenary Olive-Tree Natural Museum, located at the “finca Moli de la Creu el Vilar”, owned by a family that is currently cultivating these magnificent olive trees.. It was an unforgettable experience that we want to recommend everyone in this summer.

Please contact the Ulldecona Tourism Office in orear to coordinate your visit. More info on this link:

Enjoy on your holidays!

Alfredo & Pierre Ralda