The South of Catalonia is a land rich in old trees; some of them are centenary and others even millenary ones! In our properties, for example, we have 4 millenary olive trees certified by the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia. A marvel of the nature that has been offering us every year their precious fruits … for more than thousand years!!!

Very close to our Ralda + Friends domains there is the oldest olive tree from Spain, as mentioned few days ago the La Vanguardia newspaper (see the full article on

According to a new research by the Madrid Polytechnic University (UPM), “the oldest olive tree in Spain is known as ‘la Farga de Arion‘. It is located near a village called Ulldecona and its estimated age is 1.701 years! Researchers believe it was planted in 314, under the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantin I (306-337 after JC.)”.

This prestigious newspaper from Barcelona explains in its article that the Professor of Forest Mensuration from the Higher Technical School of Forestry and Environment of the UPM, Antonio Prieto, has used a new technology to perform work dating with laser telemetry.

The villages of the Montsià region belong to the Sénia Territory, composed by 27 municipalities from Aragon, Catalonia and Valencia, the densest area of millenary olive trees of the Iberian Peninsula.

In the webpage of the municipality of Godall, you will find all the technical information to prepare a hike or bike tour to discover the legendary tree “la Farga de Arion”.

That’s all folks, now you have a new and unique reason to come to visit our olive trees! J

Carpe Diem