Ralda & Friends supporting the Millennial Olive Trees Initiative from the Sénia Territory
In our last post we reported our Summer visit to the Farga del Arión, where some of the oldest olive trees in the world are living and producing oil. Related to this, today we want to introduce a very interesting initiative that Ralda & Friends is publicly supporting. It is called the “Olivos Milenarios” project (Millennial Olive Trees) (www.aceiteolivosmilenarios.com), gathering all the oils made from olive trees aged 1.000 years or more within the Sénia Territory.
In Spain, where the regions of Valencia, Catalonia and Aragon meet, you can find the Sénia Territory. There, between the Sénia River and the mounts of Tortosa-Beceite, you can find 27 villages united by historical roots and sharing lands, language, gastronomy and folklore. But the main thing they share is a common vision on sustainability, heritage, equilibrium, innovation and work towards the future. Godall, our village, is also a member of the Territory.
The local oil mills from all these localities (also Godall’s mill) are members of the Association Territorio del Sénia (www.asociacionterritoriosenia.org) an organisation aiming to promote the oils from millennial olive trees. These oils possess a specific profile of fruity taste, middle-high intensity, good balance between spicy and sweet, a light bitter and low astringency. These oils are mainly made out from our local olive, the Morruda.
Millennial olive tree oils are ideal for special events. Sadly, this product hasn’t had the proper attention in past years, as the olives were traditionally mixed with those from younger trees. Recent studies from Fundacion Alicia reported many benefits from this unique product.
You can read more about the Millennial Olive trees in this link: http://www.aceiteolivosmilenarios.com Again, we invite you to visit the Sénia Territoriy and our three “Official Millennial Olive Trees” at La Plana.
Carpe Diem
Alfredo & Pierre Ralda
Source of the picture: www.aceiteolivosmilenarios.com