The Ralda&Friends “Romance” with the Media
The last weeks we have enjoyed on being portrayed in two important Spanish Media. On Sunday January 28, Pierre was interviewed in “Amics I Coneguts”, a week-end radio magazine broadcasted live from 9 am to 1 pm every Saturday and Sunday from Radio 4, the local antenna of the Spanish National Radio (RNE) in Catalonia. Journalists Silvia Tarragona and Sergi Bassolas are both directors and conductors of the program.
That Sunday morning Pierre spent such a nice time explaining Ralda&Friends’ story to Sergi Bassolas and his audience. We are pleased to suggest you listening to the podcast of the program, should you are interested. You may find it (in Catalan language) here: http://bit.ly/2Ey25xf
That invitation came just after the most important Spanish business newspaper Expansion published a huge article on our story. Journalist Sergio Saborit (https://twitter.com/ssaborit) had an in-depth interview with Pierre during December, previous to the publishing.
Both media presences in Radio 4 and in Expansion have been very much celebrated. We have been receiving a lots of congratulations and positive comments in the last days. For this reason, we want to thank to these journalists and media that have considered our story worth their time. We are committed in explaining proudly everything we do from our “Tierras del Ebro”.
Alfredo & Pierre RALDA