In the last months we have observed how the price of olive oil in its different forms has shot up. This phenomenon coincides with an episode of inflation in all Western economies, but inflation is not the cause, but the consequence. In fact, as the retail portal Maltby & Greek explains, the oil market has its own rules of operation. The price has doubled in two years Just one fact: in July 2021, the price per kilo of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) was around 3.40 in Spain. Two years later, it is over 7.20. More than double. Apparently, one...

This is one of those posts that we never wanted to have to write. Our beloved Pilar Curto, our mother, yaya, friend… has left this world. She went away like great people do: saying goodbye to everyone. Speaking to all of us. Loving us all until the end She also left unexpectedly, in the early hours of April 25th. In the first few days after the loss, our entire family felt a great void. And sadness. Today, we still feel that void. But the sadness gradually turns into gratitude. And a desire to pay tribute to her every day, with...

On March 10th, “La Hora de la 1”, a popular morning TV show broadcasted by Spanish TVE, reported a new case of fraud in olive oil labelling. A number of commercial brands are being sold clandestinely in street markets, gas stations, and distribution warehouses in various parts of Spain, especially in Andalusia and Extremadura. These brands are named “Acebuche”, “Virgen del Guadiana”, “Cortijo del Oro”, “La Campiña de Andalucía”, “Galiaceite 2022”, “La Abadía”, “Villa de Jerez”, “Don Jaén Aceite 2019”, and “Imperio Andaluz”. The fraud consists of these oils not having passed the Sanitary Registry and being outside of any...

It is with pleasure that we want to invite our Friends and Padrinos to our 5th Annual Meeting, which will take place in Godall (Tarragona), on Sunday, March 12, 2023. As is traditional, our meeting will be held within the framework of Mil-lenària, the Olive Oil and Asparagus Fair of Godall, which will celebrate its 20th edition. Although Godall, like many inland villages in Terres de l’Ebre, has been depopulated for two decades, the main economic engine of our village is still the oil cooperative and that is why this fair is so important because it is a sign of...

One of our objectives in launching Ralda+Friends was to spread the culture of olive oil and its health benefits. For this reason, we have retrieved an interesting article published in the magazine Oleo, entitled “Unfiltered olive oil, neither better nor more natural” (originally in Spanish). Signed by Ms. Laura Sandúa Escribano, general manager of Aceites Sandúa in November 2022, the article talks about the differences between filtered and unfiltered olive oils, given that consumers do not usually know the difference and sometimes they think that they are products of different quality or that they have undergone chemical treatment processes. The...