Sustainable Growth of Ralda+Friends: One new Adopter per Week!
If a year ago we told you in the social media that we managed to reach 100 adopters, now we can confirm we have 50 additional friends. This means: we got one new friend per week all along 2015!
Our friend #150 is Phillippe Carré, a study mate of the younger of Ralda Brothers at Europa College in Bruges (Stefan Zweig Promotion). Phil is a French Economist from “La Bretagne”, married with Lise, a bright Irish Lawyer met as well in Bruges. Now they are working and living in the City in London. As you can see, the Europe without borders is not a myth! J.
As a curiosity, and a sample of our non-stopping activity, an Ukranian friend living in Lithuania, and a Dutch family from Lieden, in the Netherlands, have adopted as well an olive tree.
We had to solve some logistical challenges before, but is will allow us to make possible in the next weeks that any friends from Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Italy Luxemburg, Netherlands and Portugal will be able to adopt directly from our website…And soon we will be able to send our oils everywhere in the EU.
What are you waiting for? Don’t hesitate in adopt an olive-tree (http://www.raldafriends.com/rf/en/apadrina-un-olivo/)