RALDA+FRIENDS is launching its website in Catalan
Launched in July, the Catalan version of our website is now fully operational. You can visit it in the link (http://www.raldafriends.com/rf/ca/). We are very happy about it.
Catalan language has been always a vehicle for both communication and understanding within our family. We still remember ourselves as children, when we used to spend our summer holidays in Godall and how our parents did their best in order to teach us Catalan, although we were living in Geneva and our mother is from Madrid. Thanks to these efforts we have enjoyed of our grandparents talks (our “yayos”) and cousins and learn more about the culture and traditions of the Montsià area, where our village (Godall) is located and our olive trees are growing with our dreams.
For this reason implementing the Catalan version of our web means a lot for us because our project is becoming more coherent. Here it goes! We hope you will enjoy it!
We take also this occasion to wish you the best for your summer holidays and invite you to pass over Godall between the 4th and 13th August because our village is doing his Annual “Fiesta” (that Hemingway himself would have loved to take part)…
Our nephew Paula Ralda would be the official “Pubilla” and we highly recommend the Midnight gymkhana, the “Guinyot” Cards Tournament, Music concert under the stars by the “Agrupació Musical de Godall” (Godall Music Band) which is celebrating its 30th anniversary and the traditional football match “Singles against Married Men”. More info on the full program of “les Festes Majors de Godall 2016”:
Carpe Diem
Alfredo & Pierre Ralda